Board Certification is a mark of excellence and a distinguished accomplishment within the Texas legal community.

Consumers and organizations get the highest quality of legal services when working with Board Certified lawyers — having substantial experience, the respect of their peers, and proven specialized competence in their select area of law. Out of 110,000 lawyers that are licensed to practice in Texas, only 1,312 are board certified in personal injury law. These lawyers have voluntarily applied for Board Certification, have a minimum of 5 years of practice experience (with at least three years in specific legal areas), completed at least 60 hours of continuing legal education hours and passed a rigorous exam. Once certified, these lawyers meet additional criteria to continue their education and involvement in their specialty area as well as reapply for Board Certification every 5 years.

The Kuzmich Law Firm focuses its practice on personal injury law. We pride ourselves on protecting the rights of our clients and seeking the best possible recovery or outcome in all cases. Professionalism, technical expertise, and client service are our three most important values, and we adhere to a stringent code of ethics. If you need understanding, assistance, and a strong advocate, the Kuzmich Law Firm is the right choice for you.

Steve Kuzmich


Auto Accidents

When there is an automobile or trucking accident, often people are confused about how to proceed

Premises Liability
Slip and fall cases can be extremely complex under Texas law to establish liability – get a expert attorney to help.
Wrongful Death

Handling a wrongful death case requires pursuing every responsible party and exploring every potential source of recovery.

Dog Bites
More than 4.7 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs; 1 in 5 victims of a dog attack will require medical attention.
Motorcycle Accidents

You need an experienced team of advocates to be behind you from the very beginning, to protect your rights and your claim.

Free Consultation


Kuzmich Law Texas Injury Resources

If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, it is highly recommended to schedule a consultation with an attorney to see what legal options are available. Call 972.434.1555 to meet with the Kuzmich Law Firm today.