Foodborne Illnesses: Causes, Types, Prevention & Who Is Liable

foods or beverages, most commonly raw meat or poultry, raw eggs, unpasteurized milk, fruit juices or cider, raw shellfish and raw sprouts. Other common culprits are raw fruits and vegetables that are not washed thoroughly, foods that are left out of the refrigerator too long, and foods that are contaminated by ill employees.

Types of Foodborne Illnesses:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Salmonellosis
  • E. Coli
  • Shigellosis
  • Listeria

Signs of Foodborne Illness may Include:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain and cramping
  • Abdominal distention
  • Diarrhea (sometimes bloody)
  • Dehydration
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Drowsiness
  • Jaundice
  • Death

Who is Liable for Foodborne Illnesses?

In the State of Texas, it is held that one who sells any foodstuffs for human consumption (i.e. restaurants, food product manufacturers, food distributors) is subject to strict liability for any physical harm to the consumer. Strict liability is defined as follows: absolute legal responsibility that can be imposed on the wrongdoer without proof of carelessness or fault. If you have contracted a foodborne illness from any type of food, you should contact an injury lawyer as you may be entitled to compensation from the manufacturer or distributor for the injuries you have sustained. The attorneys at Kuzmich Law Firm can help answer any questions you have regarding your foodborne illness claim.

Steve Kuzmich is a Board Certified – Personal Injury Trial Lawyer by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. The Kuzmich Law Firms’ focus practice areas are auto and trucking accidentswrongful death and other serious injuriesinjuries caused by drunk driverschild injury cases(slip and fall accidents) premises liability, and dog bite cases.

For further information about personal injury litigation, call as at  972.434.1555 and ask us why board certification matters.