Auto and Trucking Accidents: Staying Safe on the Road

Automobile Accident Causes:

  • Driver Inattention (Cell Phone Use)
  • Fatigue
  • Impaired Driving
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive Driving
  • Adverse weather conditions

However, keeping the above causes in mind, there are simple steps that can be taken to prevent traffic accidents and protect yourself and others on the road:

  • When buying a new or used car, look into the vehicle’s safety ratings and be sure to purchase a car with good safety features.
  • Regularly check your vehicle’s tire tread and inflation.
  • Silence your cell phones or put them away while you are driving.
  • Slow and be more cautious at night & in bad weather conditions.
  • Follow the posted speed limits and always wear your seatbelt.
  • Always look both ways at an intersection and keep an eye out for stop sign and red light runners.
  • If you are a pedestrian or cyclist, make sure to pay attention to vehicle traffi c, even when you have the right of way.
  • Be courteous and respectful to other drivers.
  • Always drive alert, awake and sober.

Following these simple steps will reduce your risks on the road and help make roads safer for all. However, if you or someone you know have been seriously injured in an automobile accident, please do not hesitate to contact our office and speak with an attorney.

Steve Kuzmich is a Board Certified – Personal Injury Trial Lawyer by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. The Kuzmich Law Firms’ focus practice areas are auto and trucking accidentswrongful death and other serious injuriesinjuries caused by drunk driverschild injury cases(slip and fall accidents) premises liability, and dog bite cases.

For further information about personal injury litigation, call as at  972.434.1555 and ask us why board certification matters.