Your Employer (Current or Past) May Owe You Thousands in Unpaid Overtime Wages & Other Damages.

Steve Kuzmich knows the overtime laws and is here to help those workers whose past or current employers have failed to follow these laws by not paying them the overtime or any other wages they've earned. Most employees in the United States are covered by the overtime laws.

Overtime Pay: Eligible employees who are paid on an hourly basis and who work more than 40 hours in one week are to be paid at least one-and-one-half times their regular pay for hours in excess of 40.

Exceptions: There are numerous exceptions to overtime pay eligibility. Call Steve Kuzmich at 972.434.1555 to discuss your overtime claim, he can tell you whether or not you are entitled to overtime pay.

Damages: Unpaid wages, liquidated damages in an amount equal to unpaid wages, and reasonable attorneys’ fees.