3 Steps to Take When Filing a Texas Pedestrian Accident Claim

Pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable individuals on the road in Texas. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reports pedestrian deaths account for one in five traffic fatalities and over 843 pedestrian accident fatalities in 2021. 

A severe pedestrian accident may require extensive medical attention and result in significant loss of income due to your inability to work. You have the right to pursue legal action against the negligent party if you are involved in a Texas pedestrian accident. 

3 Steps to Take When Filing a Texas Pedestrian Accident Claim

Filing an injury claim may be confusing and feel overwhelming without legal assistance. However, the following are three essential steps our team has compiled to ease you into the process.

Determine Who Is Responsible For The Accident

When you file an injury claim, you are pursuing justice and monetary compensation for medical costs, property damage, rehabilitation fees, loss of income, and other damages you suffer due to someone else’s negligence. To recover what you deserve, you must determine who is responsible for the accident, how they owed you a certain level of care, and how their actions resulted in your injuries. While most of those responsible for pedestrian accidents are motor vehicle accident drivers, there may be others with partial responsibility.

Collect Accident And Medical Evidence

Even if the accident’s liability seems clear, you will need evidence proving the other party’s responsibility. There are many types of evidence you can gather to showcase the individual’s negligence, including the following:

  • Medical and injury documents
  • Dashcam or surveillance footage
  • Physical evidence from the accident
  • Witness testimonials

When you work with an experienced lawyer, they will have the experience and resources to assist with gathering compelling evidence in your case, especially if you are unable to collect evidence due to your injuries.

Speak With An Experienced Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Most pedestrian accidents result in debilitating injuries because of pedestrians’ lack of protective gear and vulnerability to the surrounding objects. Not only is the initial impact of a vehicle harmful, but also the potential to hit other items in the area, like a curb or light post. The physical, emotional, and financial losses pedestrians face after an accident may significantly change their lives. A lawyer will guide you through the complex process and offer the following services:

  • Answering your questions about your complex case
  • Conducting a fair and thorough investigation
  • Reviewing legal documents for potential legal issues
  • Establishing the other party’s negligence and liability
  • Communicating with aggressive insurance companies
  • Negotiating settlement offers and compensation
  • Filing a lawsuit and taking the responsible party to court

Without legal representation, you may unknowingly agree to less compensation than you deserve. A highly-qualified lawyer will understand and have the ability to calculate the amount of compensation you need for a smooth recovery.

In Texas, pedestrians have within two years of the accident to file an injury claim against the responsible party. However, it’s essential not to push off filing a claim and wait until the last moment. A significant amount of evidence comes from the initial accident scene. As soon as you are able, speak with your lawyer about your situation.

Find an Experienced Texas Pedestrian Accident Attorney at Kuzmich Law Firm, P.C. Today

You deserve to have the resources and time for a smooth recovery process. When someone’s actions result in major life changes, you have the right to hold them accountable. Our team at Kuzmich Law Firm, P.C. understands the frustration and anger you feel about suffering major damages and will use our knowledge and resources to provide you with the best possible compensation. We have over 28 years experience and have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients.  

Speak with one of our team members and learn more about our firm by calling (972) 434-1555 today.